Jobra Ghat Yajna near Tattva Bata (as written in Mālikā ~550 years before)
Debriefing of selected events related Garoi Ashram and Shri Achyuta Yuga Karma:
Jobra Ghat Jala Yagna (fire sacrifice with water oblations) Anakaara Parikhsa, Achyuta's Revelation 22-May-2010 to 27-May-2010
Click here for the post-event description
Kali Jai Heba Satya, Kehi Na Paibe Anta (the KaliYuga will be warded off secretly and SatyaYuga will be re-established) - source: Malika, the Pledge
Dear Friends:
if you have heard of Shri Achyuta and Baba Buddhanath Das, if you are aware of Malika (Achyuta's numerous prophetic writings), if you have ever loved the Gurus and are aware of PanchaSakhaa, if you have witnessed Baba's miracles or have seen the wonderful Pothi (Copper Oracle), or you have simply heard about his greatness, or have enjoyed PanchaSakhaa's literature works, this is to inform You that the time has come for Shri Achyuta's much-awaited Jobra Yagna. The Yagna that he has written about 550 years before, and he himself has been waiting on. This sport is of Guru (Achyuta) and Shishya (Baba Buddhanath Das), and the Yagna will be performed by Pundit Amareswar Mishra. • The Revelation of Shri Achyuta •
He himself has said, 'it is only for the devotees that I take the form, and in every era my devotees are greater than me'. Maintain Satya (Truth), Shaanti (Peace), Daya (Compassion) and Khsma (Forgiveness), taking his name with devotion, and he will let you know of him. All those devotees who love Shri Achyuta and Baba, please consider yourself to have been informed about Jobra Yajna. We may not know who you are, where you are, what your past is, but Achyuta will know your intentions and will be glad if you will be present there or have had the real intention at least.
After obtaining legitimate permission, we hereby furnish a brief detail about this Yuga Karma.
Details / Schedule
It is one of the rare Yagna (fire sacrifices) described in Holy Malika and Sunya pothi, where the Ahuti (obligations) will be given with mantra-energized water from the nearby Mahanadi river.
Progress the already set foundatin to Save the Devotees, Destroy the Kali (Evil) and Establish the Satya (Truth), and reveal his identity in Anakaara test, indirectly.
- 22-May-2010: Enlivening the Idol of Baba Sri Buddhanath Das (Pratimurti Prana Prtistha - details of how have to be kept secret for now)
- 23-May-2010 : Journey to Fetch Sacred Water and Setting of Sacred fire
- 24-May-2010 : Start of Yagna (Ahuti Will be done Using Water)
- 25-May-2010 : Yagna (water obligation to fire)
- 26-May-2010 : Yagna (water obligation to fire)
- 27-May-2010 : Yagna & Puranhuti (water obligation to fire and completion)
Jobra Ghat Tattwa Bata of ShriAchyuta (see photos below)
This is an exception to call for donation (usually we discourage donation calls via web). But as a rare exception, we do encourage you this time to contribute for this Yajna. Remember, the amount is unimportant, Achyuta's Gopaalas are there for his tasks, but the action is important. Until the devotees put some of their efforts via Shrama, Samaya andSamarthya (in terms of work, time, and capability), the Yuga Karma never reaches its full worthiness. After all, its for the devotees and pious souls, Achyuta practically needs nothing being a formless Mahapurusa. Please make sure your important contribution reaches us before the 15-May-2010, else, please do not send contributions for this Yajna, reaching us after this date.
Demand Draft drawn in favour of:
Shri Jagannath Sansad, Ac No.: 510610110004236, Bank of India, Ranihat Branch, Cuttack, Orissa, India
Send by postal mail to:
Mr. Ganeswar Rath (Advocate), Baimundi Marg, Dagarpada, Cuttack-753002, Orissa, India
This is for the Achyuta's then GopaalaBalas and Veers (the milkmen tribe and brave warriors associated with Shri Krusna and Achyuta), who now in this era have taken various forms, are spread far and wide, and who do not remember there self-form (svaroop) but are pious souls and have been devotees in the past. They have lost soul memories but Achyuta has not forgotten a thing, he knows his people, he knows where they are, he knows who of them will do which task. He will reach his most important workers anyway in his own spiritual ways, here, we try to send information to all devotees who has or had association or affinity to Achyuta and Baba. This Is It.
We will try our best to capture some moments of this coming rare event in still and motion pictures, provided it will be permitted by Shri Achyuta, for those who despite willingness won't be able to witness this. The Yagna as such will be performed within closed premises of the Tattwa Bata in Jobra, in an open environment.
This Yagna is a sequel to the first Yagna held in the same place in May, 1995 and Shialdah Yagna in 2007, two giant steps were taken and yet the most important one is coming...This Is The One. The first one invoked the five elements [command and control] and got acceptance from many spiritual beings. The second one received a Shakti from Mother Kaali appearing from the Yagna Kunda which was brought to Jobra Ghat [protection and invincibility]. The third one is this- the one so necessary to end the evils of the KaliYuga and establish Satya, the one with complicated tests, the one where Shri Achyuta, the Shunya Dehi (one without a physical body) will reveal indirectly his identity through rigorous test.... the Anakaara Parikhsa [the Revelation of Achyuta].
Some older pics of the venue of Yajna Sthala

Jobra Ghat Tattva Bata

Jobra Ghat Tattva Bata

Shri Achyuta Gaadi at Jobra

Jobra Ghat Tattva Bata

Jobra Ghat Yagna Sthali

Jobra Ghat Achyuta Sadhana Pitha