
Events related to Garoi Ashram


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This section highlights some of the major events related to Shri Gobardhana Pitha Garoi Ashram. Additions and updates could be often made to this section.


Hari bola paduchhi, HulaHuli paduchhi, Aau Jaga-Kaaliara chakaa dhire dhire gaduchhi

Hari bola paduchhi Hula HUli paduchhi, Hari bola paduchhi Hula Huli paduchhi ...

Bada-daanda dhuli aaji pavanare uduchhi ...

"Hari bola" is being chanted, "Hula Huli" is made, And Jagannath's wheels slowly go ahead

"Hari bola" is being chanted, "Hula Huli" is made, "Hari bola" is being chanted, "Hula Huli" is made ...

And the dust of "BadaDaanda" (place in front of temple) is flown with the wind today ...

(part of a spontaneous song by Baba)


  • Shialidah Karma, West Bengal, India (Mid-2004; exact time kept secret). One of the major tasks and steps in the execution of the Yuga Karma with full might. Exact information unavailable except to a rare few.

  • Rath yatra at Garoi. The chariots were taken to newly constructed Gundichha temple at Garoi (19 June 2004). The festival was celebrated with the usual norms and ceremonies.

  • Rath yatra at Garoi. The chariots were taken to newly constructed Gundichha temple at Garoi (1 July 2003). In earlier years, the Rath Yatra was celebrated symbolically, but from this year, proper chariots (though small) were constructed and the car-festival was celebrated completely.

  • Jobra Yagna, Cuttack, Orissa, India (1995): The yagna of the five elements. It was one of the rare yagnas, which invoked the power of the five elements and various forms of God, demigods, and Rishi Munis. At the end of the five days Yagna, the area witnessed the power of all the five elements working strongly together with heavy wind, strong shower,  and sunlight. As per the instructions of the Oracle (Mahapurusa Achyuta), using a specific mantra, the obligations were given with mantra-energized water from the nearby Mahanadi river instead of butter (ghee). The astonishing fact was witnessed by thousands. The Jobra-yagna marked the beginning and towards another major yagna (Anakaara test) will also be performed there, where Shri Achyuta will reveal himself indirectly.